So here it is once again Tuesday, which is where we discuss what we are grateful for! So here is ours, what about you?
This elephant waving goodbye, seriously cute.
Kind of want to fill a room full of these!
This list of kisses.
Listening to old records.
The fact that this happened, and is making a come back in where else - Japan!
This amazing floral wall. This post is a great DIY
The fact this gif exists.
This gif is so me, but is also from the most amazing episode of Hells Kitchen, you can watch it here.
This feeling is amazing!
Little Things...
♥ Big mugs of milky coffee ♥ 'I am like your celebrity death updater - it's a thing!!' ♥ Making summer playlists with old school r'n'b ♥ layers of tulle always ♥ eating well ♥ getting up early and being productive! ♥ Amazing skater skirts ♥ Looking at bikes to buy ♥ cleaning my car - baby is looking good! ♥ netflix ♥ finding awesome brands to stock ♥ feeling positive ♥ seeing a friend play at Coachella (so proud!) ♥ lovely emails from lovely people ♥ Stefie and Marike always ♥ Book shops ♥ perfect birthday shoes ♥
Thanks lovely.